Tuesday, May 28, 2013

♫ ♫ ♫ The Final Countdown badadadum, badadadadum... ♫ ♫ ♫

Ok so its finally here! I was up till 2 trying to find all my stuff to shove into my backpack and trying to sort out my life. I have inexplicably woken up at 6am, so basically "I'm too excited to sleep!"

I'm that kid

So my current life plan is to run a bunch of errands, buy stuff I'm missing, and pack. My flight leaves just before 2pm, so I've got a bit of time.... especially since I felt it was necessary to wake up before the sun on my first day of unemployment (dumb). All the errands I have to do are stressing me out a bit and  there is bad weather forecast, which I don't like. 

This one time in high school we went to Disney World for a choir trip. One thing led to another and I somehow ended up on the Tower of Terror. It was terrifying (should of figured that one out, uh due to the name?) Well, on the flight home, it was a bit turbulent, and every time the plane would jerk, I felt like I was back on the ride and we were going to plummet. So since then, I have not been a huge fan of turbulence. I like to panic silently while trying to help the pilot keep the plane in the air by grabbing on to the armrest to keep it flying. I also like to be near a window to make sure we are still in the air and a proper distance away from the ocean. I've flown probably 30 or so times, and I still stress at turbulence. From experience I've found that drinking a beer before any flight at the airport regardless of hour or ridiculous price really calms the nerves, and then coupled with a Tylenol PM, I should be a happy little camper... I hope. 

So, to packing. I've read a dozen or so blogs about what I should pack. I then went to the REI sale last week and fell in love with every REI employee, because they were all travelers too, I was surrounded by kindred sprits and expensive hiking gear. I followed the salesperson's every word ... I think I blacked out for part of it, and walked out half a paycheck deep in gear. I don't know how it happened. But now I am ready for all the backpacking adventures the world can throw at me. In real like I have never been backpacking, for real. I wear a backpack when I travel, but I've never hiked with one. So I just put a big investetment. I'm going to love, A. because I probably will, and even if I don't, B.I will until I pay off my VISA!

Oh gosh. Its go time! On my way to O'Hare!

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